Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Muslim Integration in France - Success of Failure?

IntroductionTo consider the relationship betwixt Europe and Moslems is to suspend ethnic subtleties, to discard regional nuance and to inaccurately refer to each(prenominal) companionship as though it were a monolithic, homogenous and eternally immutable unit. Yet it is a relationship that requires consideration. This is so because the cross of Islam and the westernmost lies firmly in Europe, and the fate of the relationship between Islam and the western hemisphere ? whether peace is possible ? depends on how European countries center(a) that relationship. As genius leading scholar has put forth, ?the most(prenominal) important battle in the war for Moslem minds during the succeeding(prenominal) decade will be fought non in heaven or Iraq but in communities of believers on the outskirts of London, Paris, and other European cities, where Islam is already a growing area of the West.? It is with that statement in mind that we embark on a survey of unlike strategies, e mployed by European states, of incorporate and assimilating their Islamic populations. In particular, this look for focuses on successes, failures and lessons of France. In doing so, it becomes apparent that where countries make pursued a non-assimilationist programme with their Muslim populations ? that is, where Muslims are not compelled by the force of the law to marry their host?s traditions ? the hosts accommodate typically been rewarded with loyalty and peace. Conversely, where countries have pursued an agendum of forced integration, the results are usually rejection, disillusion and isolation. The contention of this turn up therefore is that European policy toward their Muslim populations is often wild and counterintuitive. The more loyalty is enforced, the less it prevails. only it would be unseasonable to finish the argument at that juncture. This essay seeks also to measure the costs ? or more precisely, the clean expenditure ? of Muslim... If you indirect reques! t to get a beneficial essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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