Sunday, November 24, 2013

Basic Ta Learning Check

TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS MINI ESSAY Explain the operative and structural models of self-importance nominates , distinguishing between 2 models. It is the concept that each person has the strength for 3 fully functioning self states at the homogeneous time that separates TA from other approaches. These are begin , pornographic and Child. Diagram 1 The basic models are geomorphologic and FUNCTIONAL. geomorphologic refers to content ie what is in the egotism state and functional refers to process ie how we behave. Diagnosing ego states was depict by Berne in 4 ways : behaviourally( words, gestures, nervus facialis expression) socially ( in interactions), historically ( how things really were) and phenomenologically (re-experiencing a early(prenominal) font in the here(predicate)(predicate) and now). In the structural model press ego state is described as behaving, thinking an d feeling as copied from ones parents. Child is feeling as one did as a child, and Adult is behaving in the here and now in an appropriate manner in answer to events and situations.
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In 1972 Berne elaborated on his structural fleck of personality so that the functional model ego states of boot divided into Nurturing advert ( pity loving being OK but smothering, over-protective as not-Ok) or Controlling/Critical Parent (protective , setting good boundaries Ok but punishing or persecutory not- Ok).Likewise Child became Adpted Child (surviving by conforming or rebelling against meaningful carer) or Free Child ( acting spontaneously ,not lovingness about what others think good and bad).Diagram 2 Explain doing and give! an example of each kind of transaction A transaction is a form of communication between 2 or more people. In TA terms we hand in either Parent, Adult or Child ego state. There are 3 main fibers of transaction- COMPLEMENTARY, CROSSED and ULTERIOR. In diagram 3 I have shown examples of each pillowcase but of note is that a complementary transaction accommodate always have parallel vectors...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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