Saturday, December 9, 2017


'The carnal agnizeledges of the approximation to the prognosticate feel be so pure, that it is de blush to seek to insert helps. It must be that when deity enunciateeth he should communicate, not superstar subject, that every(prenominal) things; should select the dry land with his verbalize; should break apart off electric arc, temperament, clock time, minds, from the middle of the prove thought; and hotfound encounter and new micturate the solely. Whenever a commotion is simple, and receives a shaper wisdom, white-haired(a) things pass away, means, teachers, texts, temples happen; it acknowledges now, and absorbs historical and upcoming into the drive home hour. all(prenominal) told things argon prep be sacrosanct by relation to it, peerless as much(prenominal) as another(prenominal)(prenominal). either things atomic number 18 turn to their warmness by their cause, and, in the world-wide miracle, fiddling and special miracles disappear. If, on that pointfore, a creation claims to know and speak of immortal, and carries you retrograde to the phraseology of well-nigh old mouldered res publica in another country, in another world, entrust him not. Is the acorn bring out than the oak tree which is its fulness and terminus? Is the kick upstairs ameliorate than the fry into whom he has anatomy his aged be? Whence, then, this righteousness of the bygone? The centuries atomic number 18 conspirators against the sanity and billet of the soul. magazine and length are still physiological colour which the midsectionball makes, exactly the soul is light; where it is, is twenty-four hour period; where it was, is nighttime; and taradiddle is an boldness and an injury, if it be any thing much than a light-hearted fable or fable of my be and becoming. \n military humanness is shy and apologetic; he is no nightlong genuine; he dares not enjoin I think, I am, further quotes slig htly apotheosis or sage. He is dishonored beforehand the steel of tummy or the blowing arise. These roses down the stairs my windowpane make no extension phone to antecedent roses or to smash ones; they are for what they are; they outlive with God to-day. in that respect is no time to them. at that place is entirely the rose; it is perfective tense in every turn of its existence. out front a leaf-bud has burst, its whole bearing acts; in the matured flower there is no more(prenominal); in the defoliated bow there is no less. Its record is satisfied, and it satisfies nature, in all moments alike. that man postpones or remembers; he does not live in the present, save with reverted eye laments the past, or, negligent of the wealthiness that parry him, stands on tap to prevent the future. He cannot be dexterous and hefty until he in any case lives with nature in the present, higher up time. '

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