Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Their Eyes Were Watching God

After the confrontation, Jody moves into some other room in the house. His health keeps deteriorating and he grows desperate, consulting with quacks who promise miracle cures. He avoids contact with Janie and lettuce eating her cooking. Janie learns from Pheoby that on that point is a tale around townspeople that Janie is stressful to acerbate Jody for revenge. Nevertheless, Janie sends for a sure pay off from Orlando. The doctor examines Jody and determines that his kidneys have halt working and that he go forth in brief die. \nJanie begins to pity Jody and wants to trip up him one concluding magazine. Jody refuses, scarcely Janie decides that it will soon be too late, so she enters his room. He is frozen and distant, and their conversation chop-chop deteriorates into an argument. He says that she neer appreciated all that he did for her; she responds that he never let her express her emotions. She accordingly alleges him that he is dying and Jody finally realize s the truth. He breaks down, releases one long, hag-ridden sob, and begs Janie not to tell him such things. Nevertheless, she berates him, accusatory him of tyranny and egotism. She adds that he was always trying to change her and was never satisfied with who she rightfully was. Jody pleads with Janie to stop merely she continues. She sees that he is try with death and is alter with pity. He dies, and she thinks somewhat all the time that has passed since she met him. She looks in a mirror and sees that she has age but is quieten beautiful. She rips off her head-rag, freeing her imprisoned hair, but then realizes that she must appear to be mourning. She ties it back up, assumes a mask of sadness, and yells break the window that Jody has died.

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