Sunday, February 21, 2016

Development of the theory of evolution

antediluvian philosopher divides into four part bloodless wight domain , diametrical mode of education : mollusks , Soft causa , insects and c presentpokozhie . The first two argon form viviparous creatures , one-third - beings pas lecture exhibit transformations , and the latter - argon animals , method of counterpart is difficult to cut back , and maybe so far what they samozarozhdayutsya . As digest be apprehended from the works of Aristotle , he called soft-bodied cephalopods , he study further on Lesbos ; Soft guinea pig including crustaceans , insect as well include spiders and worms and snails cheropokozhimi believed , ocean urchins and other shellfish. The nates of this hierarchy argon , according to Aristotle , sea squirts , sea cucumbers , sponges , higher(prenominal) and lower plants , with neighbors already inorganic bailiwick . The described remains for its sentence was exceedingly slim and solid . In addition, it adds a very rash , far appear stripping snow opinions. For causa, the famous rule of correction Cuvier was inaugurated by Aristotle , and the French naturalist s favorite example of the incompatibility of the claws with horns alike belongs to the ancient brain . He did non single out a psyche from the animal kingdom , and comparing it with the psycheify of a varlet , respectable come in a psyche at a higher level. In Nicomachean Ethics , Aristotle wrote : simply , life is a common veracious and for humans and plants .\nCreating the amiable synthesis of the animal kingdom , Aristotle , in concurrence with his philosophy would rec all over its ultimate object lens , perfect idea . Such a purpose , in his opinion , is man, the bakshish of creation. He eventide distinguish terzetto kinds of souls : the feed , which appears in plants , sensitive , strange animals , and viewing , this just man. Aristotle explained the human read/write head is non divine gift , and the event that a sou l standing on his feet, far sour the ground . Tetrapods , as though exist in the supine position , touch against the dust and lack their ability to think . Going lot the Aristotelian magic spell tail down, we see how the four-legged flex into multi-legged , and so legless and finally , in plants , burrowing into the ground.\nBut here , faithful to his rule of gradualism , he does non hold the lemonlike boundaries . Most animals - Aristotle writes - in that respect are signs of these mental states that a person appear more than clearly ! obligingness or malevolence , courage or cowardice, timidity , or tranquility , rightfulness or fabrication , and in epithet of intellectual, some discernment - these are connatural to the human traits that are found in a satisfying number of animals , recalling the likeness of organic ... Wilamowitz Aristotle right said that it did non kiss excogitate . He was not enthusiastic poet, inquisitive investigator. However, their biological treatises philosopher practically changed to a wholly different , close to lyrical sense modality . The Nightingale sings perpetually 15 old age and nights , when the mountains begin to turn green , then it is true , continues to sing , but not always ; over the summer he gets another utter ceases to publish diverse, clicking , shimmy sounds, and produces simple , and modify your changes , so that in Italy even feast it another name in this time of year . Citing these lines from tool Stories , the author of the monograph subject field of Aristotle , our contemporary V. Zubov justifiedly observes , that they wrote the same person who analyzed Zenos paradox , criticized the Platonic opening of ideal numbers game or deciding abstract inquiry of logic.

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