Thursday, February 13, 2014

Queen Elizabeth

pansy Elizabeth Queen Elizabeth I Elizabeth I brought such(prenominal)(prenominal) prosperity and mystery to the tooshie of England. She had situations that she had to conquer and still bear on in mind what was surpass for the people of England. Elizabeth became the Queen of England after(prenominal) her step-sister bloody shame passed outdoor(a) in 1558. Her sister overly cognise as “ blooming(a) Mary” left England in a imposing state. She was in the process of bringing England cover version to Catholism, meanwhile she burned nearly three hundred protestants for not becoming Catholic. Elizabeths eclipse was cognise as the Elizabethean Age. The reason for this was because she was such a ascertain women and many an(prenominal) positive things happened because of her. Such as, the ethnical world which strenghtened greatly. cunning was in the liking of many people, and house became very popular. The surface kno wn William Shakespeare came along in this term period playing plays in the “Globe Theatre.” Elizabeth was known as “One of...If you essential to become a full essay, parade it on our website:

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