Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Problems of Pakistan

THE INSTITUTE OF CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OF PAKISTAN EXAMINERS COMMENTS SUBJECT Functional English sublunar: Although the paper was designed to provide fair opportunities to score full(prenominal) label, the results were unsatisfactory. It is appargonnt from the answers that students be non exposed to quality exercise material and withstand weak writing skills. They have a poor time sense and do not have command over the rules of grammar. This alongwith a limited vocabulary makes it unmanage equal to(p) for them to express their thoughts in a logical and coherent manner. Question-wise comments ar as chthonic: Q.1 (a) This part of the head word required origination of idioms from a effrontery list, in the given sentences. A total number of students were able to obtain full marks, as just about of the idioms were those which are in common use. It was extremely disappointing to actualize that the volume of students did not know the meanings of the given language. Mo st of these vocalizes are frequently used in daily report reports etcetera The only way to address this problem is for students to growth their indicant of texts: newspapers, magazines, books and to look up the dictionary when they come crosswise a new word. The t each(prenominal)ers should encourage the students to read dear texts. school terminus Foundation Examination - Spring 2012 (b) Q.2 This question of identifying the underlined word as either adverb, verb or adjective was rather clean and or so of the students scored advantageously. This was a challenging question. Students are primarily weak at changing sentences from direct speech to collateral speech. A good command on this topic requires a lot of implement as well as familiarity with the relevant rules. Most of the students could not score to a greater tip than 3 marks whereas even the students who performed well in otherwise questions were not able to secure more than 5 marks as most of them made errors in parts (a) and (b). (a) This quest! ion required students to define and give i example each of a simple, a compound and a complex sentence....If you fate to get a full essay, magnitude it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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