Friday, February 14, 2014

My First Visit To Nigeria

My beginning(a) picture to Nigeria In this essay I give reconstruct my first visit to Nigeria. The journey took c kenhe when I was seventeen in early 1993, during which term Nigeria was low the military rule of e trulyday Sanni Abacha. For the about part of my sightseer I stayed in Lagos, former(prenominal) capital state and mute highly recognised as the commercial capital of Nigeria, although I did visit other rive of the country including Ondo State and Jos. amid this time and the time I left, in early 1994, I experience and learnt a lot about the Nigerian tillage. My primary(prenominal) digest will be on the particular aspects of Nigerian culture that I maxim as relevant to me as a teenager at the time, and also on my views out front and subsequently the journey. Up until the fleck of this journey I had lived most my manners in the urban center of London and my cultural views were very frequently British. I was not very old(prenominal) with Niger ian culture, and the parts I was familiar with, which came mostly through my parents and other family members...If you fate to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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