Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Financial Assets Case

Case 3 Financial assets Big Bank stage setting The Big Bank (USBB) is a large, multinational US swear which has a significant ancillary in Ireland. This subsidiary, USBB Ireland (USBBI), has do a number of investments in unlike in incorporatedd debt creatures since its founding in 2000. During the last few historic period there has been a decrease in the point of reference fictitious share for many companies due to the overall global recession. USBB is specifically concern in one of its investments in a large corporate debt instrument issued by Cruise Ireland totaling €100,000,000, which was designated as AFS when it was purchased on January 1, 2007. In 2008, the picturesque pry of the debt instrument decreased by 30% from the original purchase price, or by €30,000,000. This was determined at June 30, 2008, at which time management of USBBI concluded that the debt instrument was impaired. An passing loss of €30,000,000 was recognized by U SBBI at that time under(a)(a) IFRS and excessively by USBB upon consolidation of USBBI. The accounting treatment for the scathe was the selfsame(prenominal) under US GAAP, thus there were no conformist accounting entries needed by USBB. The entire loss was ascribable to deteriorating credit quality and there was no cookery made for interest rate differences, which may have modify the comely treasure of the debt instrument at June 30, 2008. There was no barely deterioration or improvement in unobjectionable determine in 2009, but in 2010 the fair value of the debt instrument increased by €25,000,000 due to the improving monetary check off of Cruise Ireland. USBBI does not intend to sell this debt instrument. The chief financial officer of USBB has asked you to evaluate how the accounting for the increase in fair value of the debt instrument may be recorded under US GAAP and under IFRS, given the following situations. ? patch 1 Management of USBBI c an determine that there is no chronic any o! bjective evidence of impairment. That is, the deterioration in credit quality (triggering event)...If you want to get a large essay, aim it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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