Thursday, January 2, 2014


Running Head : RELIGION[Name of Author][University /Institution]Question 1When we declaim of trust and science , it is as if we are talking about two really intelligible things that are precise apart from individually other(a)(a) . comprehension uses scientific method in to prove the validity of things magic appealingness religion believes in faith , in things not seen . in that locationof , it disregard excessively be said that persons from these two lucid worlds are to a fault likely to stay afar from for for each one one other . Also , conversation is excessively limited since in that location is a very big barrier that separates the twoIn terms of parley , I fundament say that the typecastface of communion that exists amidst scholars and idolizationers in the contemporary time would be the first typ e as described by Gerald Larson a discourse . This catch up with can be seen in our society . It is really magisterial to see a considered man of science befriend with a religious leader . It also goes with the saying that birds of the same crochet flocks to bunkher . A scholar befriends a scholar and a worshiper befriends a truster . Another reason posterior this is for the involved party to grow in what they know . A scholar leave behind know more by communicating with another scholar that go away develop his intellect and association of the field that he or she is interested in and in the same way , a believer communicates with a believer in to strengthen their faith and understanding in their prise religion . They are precisely two very diaphanous and contrary worlds that one sees the other to be wanting(p) in understanding and thus , communicating with such persons volition just be a waste of time . When we speak of a scientist , most of the time we think of that person as world an atheist , this als! o shows the conflict amongst the two that also hinders communicationOn the other hand , this should not be case .
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A scholar can befriend and communicate with a believer and vice versa . A good communication can exists between the two and also be good friends if only they will communicate as humans and not as scholars and believers . When it comes to communication , both parties just need to set aside their beliefs and plume and try to create a good relationship with each other that can only happen when one sees the other as a person and not as a scholar or a believerQuestion 2There are so many religions that are present today and each one can be considered different from the other in m any aspects . in time similarities between different religions can also be seen . three of the most widely known and influential religion in the contemporary time are Christianity , Islam and Judaism and as mentioned previous , although there are differences between the three , similarities can also be seenOne of the main similarities between the three religions is that all of them worship only one god they are all monotheistic in nature . Muslims worship Allah and the Jews worship Yahweh...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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