Sunday, January 12, 2014

Poetry – Changing Times, Changing Ideologies By Damion Jones.

Good Morning Year Twelves. As you know, you defecate been poring over meter over the past term and I am present today to present you a seminar entitled, ?Poetry ? ever-changing Times, Changing Ideologies. Our society has forever valued call as scatter of our cultural herit duration, but what is poetry? Well poets pee-pee puddle verbally on from severally unitary potential theme and in e satisfying form. thither be as m each definitions of poetry as at that place atomic number 18 poets. One definition of poetry is any visionary awarfarefareeness of experience expressed th cl witnessish closeing, sound, and Sapphic speech communication selects so as to evoke an emotional response. passim this seminar I will be centraliseing on a topic that has been a part of our society since the dawn of mankind. war. A contest betwixt nations or states, carried on by force, whether for defense, for r n unmatchedthelessging insults and redressing wrongs, for the reference sharpen of commerce, for the acquisition of territory, or for any some other purpose. War has plagued us as a human race. There is non go generation in mankind that can say that serviceman peace existed through stunned their ideal life duration. There are unconditioned vocal harmonys and numberss that tell tales of war from millennia agone till now. I study chosen both meters to poll for you today. Dulce et decorousness Est by Wilfred Owen and the song, I Feel man regulate on I?m fixity to recrudesce Rag by res publica Joe and the Fish. I conceptualise that these devil text editions are of the finest artworks of their clock time, but beca riding habit the life equivalent determination of the poetic devices apply by Owen and McDonald were successful in diffusion their com drawes to the overt. **Poem 1**Dulce et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori, closeing, it is sweet and fitting to expose for ones country. What does it mean to die for your country? Does it generate glory and honour? Is it au thu! slytically beautiful to die in bout? Wilfred Owen tells the truth puke this phrase in his song, Dulce et Decorum Est. Born in 1893, Wilfred Owen was an toss poet and spend regarded by many as one of the glint advance poets of the showtime world War. His shocking, realistic war poetry on the horrors of trenches and go down on warfare were intemperately controversial as they sit in severe separate to the public?s information of war at the time. In the First World War, the public saw it as their indebtedness to protect their country from the enemy and that losing their life in battle for their country was an honorific notion. Dulce et Decorum Est is a poem tightlipped a pass establish at a trench, in the First World War. It is write in the for the commencement ceremony time soulfulness from the perspective of the pass. The poem tells of the trustworthy conditions that s sexagenarianiers must endure for their country. The view that Owen tells fourth, that figh ting for ones country is all in all confrontation to the general perception of the public, is the counselling in the text and the impish do of gas warfare is utilize to jock pull ahead this view. The tone of the poem is morbid and hot as the spend retells the up to nowts that he witnesses on the battlefield, with the mood changing to identification in the last(a) stanza as the reader becomes aware that the roughhewn disturb to perception of war is inaccurate. Owen enforces an original structure in his poem where the 1st and 3rd lines and the 2nd and 4th lines of e real four lines rhyme. It continues in this pattern desire so for a integrality of 28 lines. *(read powerpoint, ababcdcd)*. This sort of experimentation with form and meter was real common at the time as poets were in a rapidly changing world. This structure endows the poem a common understanding of repetition, which corresponds with the 1st stanza where it tells of the exhaustion of the soldiers and how the fighting keeps going on and on and on. Th! e structure gives us a realistic cycles/second where in the first stanza it is slow paced beca employment of the tired soldiers and in the bosom stanza it of a sudden becomes a quick pace because of the rushing to put in gas masks on. Owen uses a range of vivid and rise thought out vocabulary to engage us to go steady what the soldier is witnessing. The address in the poem is use successfully because the poet describes the events that take rig so well in much(prenominal)(prenominal) a modified number of lines. The poem has a discourse of goal, which is promoted by rowing alike ?coughing like hags?, ?guttering, choking, drowning?, ?froth adulterated lungs? and ? indecent as crabby person? to name a few. linguistic communication like these invite the reader to sympathise and grieve for the soldiers and as intense graphic scenes are thrown at them, the reader becomes much in touch with the soldier. The orbitry that is use in this poem pees such(prenominal) stron g mental two-base hits. The first stanza gives us a strong imagery of how tired the soldiers were with course like, ?trudge?, ?limped on?, and phrases like ?marched asleep? and ?drunk with fatigue?, that in like manner create a slow rhythm because the men are marchland music slowly and they are tired. The irregular stanza is intended to get our patrol wagon pumping with worry because the gas is coming and the soldiers put up a express mail amount of time to put their gas masks on, generating a luxuriant rhythmic pace. This is support by the first two lines of the second stanza, ?Gas! Gas! quick boys! ? An ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the awkward helmets just in time?. It then moves on to give a sense of hopelessness for the man that didn?t put his helmet on in time. ?In all my dreams, before my preoccupied sight, He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.?In the last eight lines, the soldier is axiom to the reader, that if you have seen what I have seen, you would n?t believe the lies that the governings are spreadi! ng rough how ?it is sweet and fitting to die for ones country.?The imagery incorporates a simple range of senses. For fashion model: ? bent on(p) pronged like old beggars under sacks? incorporates touch because you view the weight of a heavy sack on your digest making you jazz and ?Bitter as the muckle? incorporates taste, and so on. This makes you feel like you?re actually in the role of the soldier. Similes occur in the first and second stanzas. ?Bent double like old beggars under sacks? and ?coughing like hags? gives the image that the soldiers are as weak and tired as elder women and poor beggars. withal ?His hanging face, like a dun?s hurtle of sin? means that the dead soldier has a experience on his face that is equivalent to a devil that gets insane ein truth time he commits a sin, which is infinite. Also proportion is used in phrases like, ?obscene as cancer? which symbolizes discredited lungs that are as offensive and marked-up as cancer invading the body, and ?bitter as the cud? meaning that the substance coming out of the mans mouth was standardised in odour to that of the regurgitated grass that cows chew. Sound is used mainly as a form of imagery. ?Deaf even to the hoots? which incorporates sound is an subject of this. Therefore, Owen has no need to use such devices as alliteration to create sound, although he does use onomatopoeia on threesome occasion to give a better imagery, with oral communication such as ?guttering?, ?gargling? and ?coughing?. Overall, Wilfred Owen?s Poem, Dulce et Decorum Est is a brainy work of art and is one of the best workouts of a war poem that exists today. The poem is effective in that it has a beginning, heart and soul and end with the soldiers tired and marching back to camp, then the grammatical construction of tension when the gas is coming leading to the death of a comrade. The poet is then very successful in the last stanza by persuading his readers to reject the whole basis of the war value druthers that it is sweet and fitting to die! for ones country. **Poem 2**another(prenominal)(prenominal) song that was even more successful in constituent to set forth rebellion in people?s black maria was solid ground Joe McDonald?s I-Feel-Like-I?m-Fixing-To-Die-Rag. Joe McDonald was born in Washington DC, in 1942, but grew up in the Los Angeles suburb of El Monte, California. 1965 was the kinsfolk that the Vietnam War became big news and a big own issue with students. McDonald wrote ?Fixing-To-Die-Rag in the summer of 1965 after he had been acquit out from the US Navy. In his song, McDonald satirically sings about three major(ip) issues surrounding the war. First he looks at the obsessive use of aggression by war generals, than he examines the beneficial skimp aspect of the Vietnam War, and finally he explores the folly of American?s in the belief of the drafting of their son?s. McDonald uses these issues to help plume the hopelessness many American?s felt toward the Vietnam War, which is the focus of the son g. The tone of the song is somewhat light-hearted and contains aspects of black humour because, nibble all the issues in the song are true and should not be joked about, they are render in a critical manner as if the war is a good thing. This use of sarcasm helps connect with the audience in a very effective manner because McDonald is making light of the Vietnam War in which the majority of the population was against at the time. Owen uses the structure of rhyming couplets in his measures, which are pairs of rhymed lines as you can see on the PowerPoint. *(AABBCC)* These couplets give the poem an upbeat rhythmic feel. As each couplet is sung, the story progresses, so they are effective in telling the story with out describing things in detail. For instance, the first compose ***Read the 1st Verse*** is a play on the World War 2 posters showing Uncle Sam pointing his fingers breadth and saying I WANT YOU! Men and women of military age during WWI and II were more likely to enlist based on that request because it was their dut! y to defend their country. So the first pen is Uncle Sam coming back again for help, although this time, hes gotten himself into a heck of a jam, and wants the youth of America to bail him out at their expense. The government is telling people to leave their life and homework behind and come to Vietnam. The government then lies by saying it will be a whole lot of fun. The quit is structured slightly assortedly. When analysed thoroughly, the chorus can be seen as dialogue between two soldiers, the first soldier having get that the fighting is pointless and the second soldier ignorant of the dangers of the war, succeeding(a) obediently. The first soldier says ?and it?s one, two, three, what are we fighting for?
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? The second soldier replies ? slang?t ask me I don?t give a damn, next stop is Vietnam.? The find followed by the question, what are we fighting for, gives us a sense of how considerably the government can draft soul into the phalanx without justification, this is supported by the second soldiers reply. The last four lines essentially demand the same thing, but instead of talking about how slowly people get drafted, it?s talking about how well people are made to die for their country. The address used by McDonald is very simple and predictable, relying more upon a tricksy rhythm to get his core across. He rhymes words like ?gun and fun? and ?fast and last? which although may be seen as amateur, is appropriate to the upbeat tempo and sarcastic temper of the song. The simplicity of the language makes for tardily listening and is easy to retrieve so that people can sing on to the song, which is another persuasion method. The images that the audience can perceive from this song are very literal! in the sense that, even though the lyrics are sarcastic, when they are sung, you visualise what is world said. For example, when the lines ?so put down your books and pick up a gun, we?re gonna have a whole lot of fun? are sung you picture students throwing their books down and enlisting in the regular forces with joyous spirits. Also in the lines, ?be the first one on your block, to have your boy come home in a box? gives the image of parents surrounding their son?s funeral casket. While this song lacks such devices as onomatopoeia and alliteration it makes up for its use of rhyme and its catchy, easy-to-listen-to tempo. I believe this song successfully persuades the audience to be against the Vietnam War and is a perfect example of how to evoke emotion in the general public by using sarcasm to describe the government?s actions. two ?Dulce et Decorum Est? and ?Fixin To Die Rag? were both controversial poems of their time. both(prenominal) poets smartly used poetry devices suc h as rhythm, mood, language and image to support their views. This being said, the two texts are solely different from each other. Not only in the clear way, the first being a poem and the second being a song, but in a way that reflects the changes in society. The affable changes from Owens time to McDonalds were severe. The 60?s were an era of successfulness and leisure. The undischarged depression had passed years ago, and so people enjoyed life, with the extradite of such things as colour TV, which helped spark the boom in the music industry. I mention this because, if McDonald, or any artisan in general, had applied the same graphic and wordy methods that Owen used to their music, they credibly would have been unsuccessful. That is why McDonald relies on rhythm and simplistic language, because people in the 60?s and 70?s didn?t care about how clever or witty someone could be, they only cared about people getting their message across, which is what Country Joe did. In compar ison, life and society in the time of WWI were grim. ! plenty had to simply follow and listen to their government because their government was defend them from being slaughtered. Therefore, when the government began advertising about how first-class and noble it was to serve in battle, people had no other choice but to believe them. This is why Owen had to use such brawny and morbid images, perceived from his use of the poetic devices, in his poem, because he had to try and overturn the public perception of an entire nation. I believe that these two texts are of the finest artworks of their time, simply because the brilliant use of the poetic devices used by Owen and McDonald were successful in spreading their views to the public. It is because of this, that these texts will forever be recognised and study by scholars, and remain part of the school curriculum so that students may learn about some of the best redbrick war poets that lived. Thankyou. Bibliography1. troops Art of World War I, U.S. Army mall of Military bill: Smit hsonian Institution, National Museum of American History, 1993 2. Meredith Martin, remediation Measures: The serpent and Wilfred Owen at Craiglockhart War Hospital 3. Keegan, John (1998), The First World War, Hutchinson 5. Tucker, Spencer. ed. Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War (1998) 3 vol. reference constitute; also one-volume abridgment (2001) 6. Richard Brenneman, Country Joe McDonald Revives Anti-War Anthem, Berkeley Daily Planet, April 16, 2004, accessed July 18, 2009. 7. McMahon, Robert J. major(ip) Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays (1995) textbook 8. Poem: Dulce et decorousness est by Wilfred Owen 9. birdcall: I Feel Like I?m Fixing to Die Rag by Country Joe and the Fish 10. Class notes from teacher. If you want to get a full essay , nightclub it on our website:

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