Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lumber Puncture

Indications: hazard meningitis or encephalitis o See Meningitis,  hectic convulsion, fever Suspected Sub-arachnoid haemorrh mature with a habitual CT   Contraindications: You must always argue with a senior recording machine or consultant before doing a lumbar puncture. Do non do a lumbar puncture if the child is so sick that you go out give antibiotics for meningitis even if the CSF is general on microscopy.  The clinical findings that counsel you should give  dexamethasone and   antibiotics   immediately, and tally lumbar puncture for 1-2 long time until the child is astir(p) ar: Coma: absent or non-purposeful response to tremendous stimulus - squeeze ear-lobe firmly for up to 10 seconds. A child over 3 months of age should push you external and seek a parent. Signs of brocaded intracranial pres trusted: eg drowsy, diplopia, atypical pupillary responses, unilateral or bilaterally symmetrical force posturing or pap illoedema (NB papilloedema is an unreliable and late mansion of raised ICP in meningitis; a bulging fontanelle in the absence seizure of other signs of raised ICP, is non a contraindication). cardiovascular compromise/ blow out of the water Respiratory compromise Focal neurological signs or seizures upstart seizures (within 30 minutes or not regained expression sure level afterwards).
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Coagulopathy/thrombocytopenia Local infection (in the area where an LP would be performed) The febrile child with purpura where meningococcal infection is suspected. Assessment previous to LP for contraindications? CT Scans if focal neurological signs o CT Scans are not helpful in most children with meningitis. ! o A normal CT scan does not tell you that the persevering does not have raised ICP. o Herniation may fleet even in the presence of a normal scan. o Dont delay antibiotics whilst waiting for a CT  [pic] Complications: cognizant verbal consent should be obtained. This should include a watchword of the benefits of the single-valued function in terms of...If you want to get a dependable essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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