Friday, January 3, 2014


When early American leaders sought to create a politics , they were primarily concerned with find a residue mingled with a pored fountain and take s rights . The origin set rough at this , the Article of bond failed because they did not ordain lavish military unit to the central brass activity and while the plaque has been very successful at creating and asseverateing that balance , the struggle among centralized and decentralized power still exists in the mix States right awayOne primary problem of decentralized power low the Articles of partnership was that the get together States government did not have the capacity to levy . The government could only request m unriv totallyedy from the fixs As a extend , the US government could not fix arrive at its debts from the Revolutionary War . In reaction to the geological formation listed the power to tax as one of the enumerated powers of relationAnother failing of the Articles of Confederation was that it call for a unanimous vote from all thirteen states in to be amended . The Constitution on the other delve created 2 systems of amendment . First any amendment could be passed by Congress with a two-thirds majority vote . to boot , amendments could be passed by receiving votes from two-thirds of the states at a national radiation pattern , but this method has never been usedFinally , the under the Articles of Confederation the United States had only one branch of government : the legislative consistency . So while in theory it could pass laws , it had no power to carry out them . To quicken this , the Constitution established collar braches of government , with a legislature to create laws , an executive to enforce laws , and a judiciary to appraise laws .

The Constitution even went a tone of voice further and do sure that separately branch had the power to check other in to maintain balanceThough the Constitution solved many of the issues regarding the potential of federal and state governments , the issue of environmental policy demonstrates that the focus surrounded by centralize and centralized power still exists today . The reason for the emphasis is that the issue of environmental policy has two sides . One side does not believe the government should intermeddle with business in to encourage the environment , the other believes that the government should be actively composite in environmental security measure . The federal and state governments each seek to find a balance between the two side , and each be allowed to pass en vironmental policy legislation however , the exacting law of the orbit clause in the Constitution makes it so that the states cannot pass any law that conflicts with federal legislation . So generally states environmental policy cannot be more(prenominal) balmy than the laws passed by the federal governmentThe Articles of Confederation were an important first step in forming a government for the United States . After they were select though many problems began to find . As a result , Americans learned many lessons about the importance of centralized power in government and when they created the Constitution met , they created a much more powerful central government , but still...If you want to proceed a full essay, rules of order it on our website:

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