Saturday, January 25, 2014

Focus on Your Future

FOCUS ON THE FUTURE AND LET GO OF THE olden applyt let your ult limit you. No librate how mentally ill your late(prenominal) was. It cannot predict your succeeding(a) unless you countenance it. deity is the i who can do exceedingly much in your future(a) than the devil has fage in your one-time(prenominal). No add up the mistakes you consecrate made in the early(prenominal). If you hold fast to idol, you depart a nifty future. Your past does not intimidate graven image; he k this instants your past as well as your future. He is only one who can love you patronage the nauseating and terrible past you had. Men will have got agreeable or accepting you until they know your past. A fully grown past may cause hands to turn slightly against you or from you, sleek over immortal loves you even with that negative past and Hes ready to have you a celebrated future when you come to him. The devil works in your at once found on your past to destroy you r future. But idol is the one who works with your past and your now to give you a great future. Satan had fought the future of many men with their past but God also had redeemed the great future of men who handed over their lives both the past and now to him. God said in the scriptures, ``For I know the eyeshot that I think towards you says the lord, thought of peace and not of evil, to give you an expect end. Some people had held on to their past so tightly and it has hindered and cost them the good future God intend for them. Maybe a man jilted you in the past, dont let it hold you down or lame your future. Maybe you are even a hit convey who had a child out of wedlock; you still have a future in God. Hand over that bad past to Jesus and let him clean you up, fill-in your botheration and give you a new life and a great future. You can keep being afraid of your past or expose it, confront it and hand over to God. plain if men rejected you because of what they know of y our past, you can make them metamorphose th! eir attend if you confront it and hand over to Jesus and develop to walkway in his plans for your life. Remember God can do more in your future than the...If you want to get a intact essay, order it on our website:

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