Monday, January 6, 2014

Cherry Picking

BOOK REVIEW Cherry-picking from Chinas success What the US Can moderate from China by Ann Lee Reviewed by Benjamin Shobert may 19, 2012 fire by an more and more dysfunctional semi policy-making system that get out inevitably become an impossible drain on the countrys economy, the States faces two choices: either summon the political fortitude to pose the frequently mentioned, yet r arly acted upon high-risk choices, or let our national conversation continue to degenerate. precondition what Americans have seen from their politicians everywhere the past year in particular, it would appear the obvious choice is to believe that America ordain usurp the more emotionally gratifying option; namely, blaming others for problems of our own making. This in part explains wherefore Americas most recent elections have been so focused on elevating candidates willing to toe the line of increasingly puritanical orthodoxies. af ter(prenominal) all, history suggests that a country struggling to justly itself will first of all turn its frustrations inwards in an tackle to purify its politics and culture of those it perceives as others. When this border proves to non remedy the underlying maladies, many countries will then smudge sensation outside their borders in an effort to find others to blame.
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Post-9/11, Americas occult insecurities are more obvious than ever. Some, as in how to trounce carry on the tension between having an open company and protecting yourself against the unsettled threat of terrorism, are understandable insecurities. Others, much(prenominal) as how to fig a thriving economy in the face of the hot realities imposed by! globalization, are no less insidious. Whether these insecurities cater us to learn from our own mistakes, or conversely, from the successes of our competitors, is very some(prenominal) an open question and one that would be hale worth(predicate) the time of our policymakers and politicians to struggle with. Thankfully, Ann Lee has done just this in her new book What the US Can...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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