Sunday, September 22, 2013

Legalize Pot

How Pot Will Save The World One twenty-four hour period much and more lately you cant cut on the news show without earreach about marijuana or the legalization get by all over the illegal drug. You hear a practice about the ban post of it, street dealers getting arrested, turn over houses being raided, the inclining goes on. What you dont hear so often is the umteen good things that discern from the cannabis plant. There are legion(predicate) reasons our political sympathies should have a bun in the oven to the purify of our countrys laws on marijuana, reasons such as the mend and medical uses of the plant, recreational use and its use in the industrial world. It is no big secret that cannabis has been a public figure of medicine, with having historical evidence to evidence so dating support to 2737B.C. According to a make in 2007, at the atomic depend 20 Pacific Medical Center Research demonstrate, atomic number 53 of the main compounds that for ms the cannabis plant may alike grab breast cancer from spreading throughout the body. This could base to be a nontoxic alternative to chemotherapy and its painful side set up. This could prove a great alternative since cannbidols are a lot less hurtful then chemotherapy. According to the Institute of practice of medicine cannabis has been shown to reduce inter-ocular pressure on average of 20 four percent of lot with glaucoma during tests.
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In a study by the Complacence University of Madrid cannaboids had anti-cancer effects on mice with clement brain cancer cells and in people with brain tumors. The propensity goes on, with positive proven research and manipulation with umpteen diseases ranging from alcoholic d! rinkic beverage abuse, asthma, amyotrophic lateral scoloious, arthritis, bi-polar dis give, collen cancer, HIV, depression, epilepsy, digestive diseases, hepatitis, leukemia, unclothe tumors, post traumatic separate out disorder, sleep apnea, anorexia and some others. If controlled recreational use was allowed, similar to how alcohol is, it would have many positive effects as well. The government would profit from this by the taxation it would...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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